Ce más erre...
Ce, a, a
Ce doble a erre
Ce doble a erre xóóóó…
The Owl is flying high, frightening to the eye.
The Rattler is nearby, Cool is on the fly.
Danger is his business.
Madcap's back in town, yeah bought Cool a crown.
Boxes are a-poppin', Cool is kept a-hoppin'.
Danger is his business.
That's Hurricane Harry, with all the wind he can carry.
Oh that cool's the coolest, Danger is my business.
(Repetir una vez nomá. Tampoco hay que ser vicioso.)
Ce más erre...
Ce, a, a
Ce doble a erre
Ce doble a erre xóóóó…
The Owl is flying high, frightening to the eye.
The Rattler is nearby, Cool is on the fly.
Danger is his business.
Madcap's back in town, yeah bought Cool a crown.
Boxes are a-poppin', Cool is kept a-hoppin'.
Danger is his business.
That's Hurricane Harry, with all the wind he can carry.
Oh that cool's the coolest, Danger is my business.
(Repetir una vez nomá. Tampoco hay que ser vicioso.)